SepSolve Analytical

INSIGHT-Flow modulator for GCxGC

A flexible, high-performance approach to GCxGC The platform-neutral design of BenchTOF allows you to adopt the best GCxGC modulator – flow- or thermally-regulated ​– for your application. In addition, the ChromSpace® module allows you to acquire and process your GCxGC data in a single workflow as part of the TOF-DS™ platform.

Why choose INSIGHT-Flow GCxGC flow modulator?

  • Cryogen-free operation lowers running costs for routine GCxGC.
  • No volatility restrictions for confident analysis of VOCs (<C5) and SVOCs
  • Complete analyte transfer from 1D to 2D column
  • Excellent repeatability for routine applications - rigid retention times and peak area RSDs typically <5%.
  • Flexible configuration options, including GCxGC, heart-cut GC-GC, backflushing and parallel detection (e.g. TOF MS and FID).
  • Retrofittable to all popular GCs.
  • A compact design allows two INSIGHT devices to be configured in a single GC oven for enhanced productivity through dual- channel acquisition.
  • Streamlined instrument control and data processing using the ChromSpace® platform.
  • Bleed line control kit accelerates the change between column configurations

The next generation of flow modulators

INSIGHT, as a reverse fill/flush device, offers superior performance to first-generation forward fill/flush flow modulators. As well as its operational simplicity, minimal breakthrough allows sharp, symmetrical peaks, while an interchangeable collection channel provides greater flexibility in method development.

  • Reverse fill/flush operation

    Differential flows in the INSIGHT modulator are used to 'fill' and 'flush' a sample loop - meaning low running costs for routine GCxGC and none of the logistical issues associated with liquid cryogen.

  • Improved peak capacity

    Reverse fill/flush dynamics provide narrower peaks in the second dimension than previous generations of flow modulators, leading to improved sensitivity and greater peak capacity.

  • Flexible configuration

    INSIGHT's design makes it easy to configure for other (non-GCxGC) modes of operation - for example, connecting a second detector allows hassle-free heart-cutting.

Another level of information with parallel detection

Using parallel detection by MS and FID is the ideal way of achieving qualitative and quantitative analyses in a single run. While this can be troublesome to configure in thermally-modulated systems, optimal alignment of retention times can easily be achieved with INSIGHT.

Keeping fragrance labs ahead of the regulations

Hundreds of similar terpenes, diverse sample types and complex matrices make monitoring allergens in cosmetics a challenging prospect. INSIGHT keeps labs ahead of the regulations, by providing the separation required for confident identification and quantitation of an extended suite of allergens.

Instrument & Technology
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